Effector Collection Box (ECB) was raunched in 2009. We are the site specializing in “effectors” that can be connected between an electric guitar or bass and an amplifier to produce various tones.

In the begining, We have started with a blog introducing effectors from Japan and overseas. We are delivering a lot of content such as a “let me show your effector board” corner, Pedals popularity rankings rihgt now. Also, we provided a “DIY effector building web course” in collaboration with an effector builder recent years.

Finally, We have started pedals EC site from 2022.

Currently, ECB has 22,000 SNS followers mainly in Japan, 100,000 page views per month. We are operating completely independent media with no capital from manufacturers or publishers.

ECB is always challenging and looking for oppotunities a promoting Japanese unique but high-quality effect pedals. Our first challenge is “NAMM Show 2023″! ”

Effector Collection Box (ECB) はエレキギターやベースと、アンプの間に繋いで様々な音色を出すことができる「エフェクター」の専門サイトを2009年より約13年間運営しています。




その最初のチャレンジが「NAMM Show 2023」への出展です!

Crowd funding

Thanks for your donation! We have 2 crowdfunding project. Japan domestic project had successed, We earned over 2 million yen from your support. Now Indie GOGO project is going, We are waiting for your donetion.


OFFICIAL partner