SEASIDESOUND, from Saga Kyushu, southeast area in Japan. The founder, Issei Iwata was skillful guitar player before. He is developing high-end pedals with his experience and knowredge. His pedals are Professional specs with useful interface. He is building pedals not only for Electric guitar, but also for Bass, Electric accoustic guitar and “Shamisen” the Japanese native string instruments.
SEA SIDE SOUND(シーサイドサウンド)は九州の佐賀県でエフェクターを制作しているハンドメイドブランド。ギターエフェクターをメインに、ベースやエレアコ、エレキ三味線などギター以外のエフェクターも作成しています。
Exhibit Pedals
SEASIDE SOUND Avester is their benchmark over drive, Based on Dumble overdrive, but tuned for “Easy to control” your amp sound. Characteristic 2 band tone control provide making your sound.
Low tone control is the most interesting jobs on this pedal. If you are using fender-like clean sound amp, turn clockwise. It provide rich and smooth over drive tone. If you are using Marshall-like high power amp, turn counter clockwise. it provide more saturate tone but it keeps your guitar note and picking nuance.
High tone control provide whole sound adjusting. Use low and high tone and making your original Dumble tone!
BALOR is the first models of SEA SIDE SOUND. Clean but wild distortion sound…it provide wide range and dynamic sound with clean Overtones, Harmonics and each tones crisp contour. Controllers are Level, Drive and Tone, Simple inteface.You can play the maximum saturated sound with fully up Drive and Level or ordinally overdrive sound when Drive knob down.
If you looking for Sweet and rich over-drive tone….This is it! IBRIS is the best choice. Rock, Blues, there is no matter what kind of music…. IBRIS is a Multipurpose over drive. You can choose Creamy drive sound like a Tube screamer, Dumble amp drive or MS drive sound by toggle switch.
VALI provides a sound like a Natural Tube overdrive sound. It provides a fat mid-range drive sound with 4 volume control, Drive, Level, High, and Low EQ. VALI is a Medium gain overdrive. it is useful for your sound-making. VALI sends your Picking control nuance to the Amplifier directly.
真空管アンプをドライブさせたようなナチュラルでミディアム・ゲインのクリーンオーバードライブペダル“VALI”(ヴァーリ)。サウンドに艶を出したい時や バッキングでちょっとだけ歪みを増やしたい時など様々な時に使用できます。太いミッドレンジのドライブサウンドが特徴です。
If you are looking for Natural Boost without dirty and overdrived sound, THIS IS IT!
FET featured, Fat Booster from Saga, Japan. Seasides sound build their pedals with their experience on the stage or studio.
This pedal that can do that…., like trying to enlarge the letters with a magnifying glass on your sound. But you can use overdrive pedal also. Sound is appropriate.
You can feel good suitable compression, providing good boost.
FETを使用し、ファットブースト風に仕上げられたブースターペダル。 イベント用にデザインされた可愛いにゃんこのエフェクターをぜひボードに組み込んでみませんか??