THE NEXT SOUND, from Fukushima, Japan, provide hi-quality pedal with military style. “Fukushima” is not that “Fukushima”. THE NEXT SOUND believes they are live in Space colony named Fukushima Colony. Their pedals are not only musical instruments, but also someone believes that are Mobile suit weapons. Actually, that is a useful weapon for making your own sound. Stomp our pedalsfor freedom of the pedal freeks whole world !
THE NEXT SOUNDは音楽による全宇宙統一を究極の目的とし、コロニー「FUKUSHIMA」からミリタリーテイストあふれる、高品質で個性的なエフェクターを地球上にこつこつと送り込んでいます。本製品を使用すると、まるでパイロットになったような気持ちが味わえることでしょう!
さぁ立てよ全国のギタリスト・ベーシスト!平和的全宇宙統一のために!我がTHE NEXT SOUNDエフェクターのスイッチを踏みしめて!!!
Exhibit Pedals
MSSM-07 AW WT Blue relic version.
The Next Sound, from Fukushima, They are making military-taste pedals. Looks spartan, but sound so neat. They are important Japanese custom handmade Pedal builder.
MSSM-07 is Their first wah pedal. but it is not ordinary wah pedal. Most characteristic point is “You can make Half-stomped wah pedal sound.”
This pedal has 2 stomp switch, right switch is effect ON/OFF switch. left one is mode changer. you can choose “Auto wah” and “Wah tone” mode.
THE NEXT SOUND「MSSM-07」はオートワウとワウトーンの2回路を切り替えることが出来る「両用式」ワウペダル。オートワウならではのファンキーなカッティングでの使用はもちろん、ワウトーンではペダル型ワウを途中で固定した時のような半止めサウンドも実現。ワウトーン回路にはCryBabyを直接落とし込んだ贅沢仕様です!
Modified model of MSS-06 G/BA, Much more wide gain range, Easy cotrolable interface on the chasses.
Put this pedal on your pedal board, Your pedal system will be “The base of the sound”….
Based on Tube Screamer like overdrive, Gain and tone volume Increased. This pedal has special toggle switch on the chassy.
You can choose Guitar or Bass mode. Yes, you can use this pedal not only guitar but also Bass guitar.
本機は、TS系をベースに、音域、歪率を上げ、ステージ戦線を維持するのに必須の性能を備え、次音快進撃の原動力となった、あの名機、MSS-06 G/BAのアップデートモデルである。
Put this pedal on your pedal board, Your pedal system will be “The base of the sound”….
Based on Tube Screamer like overdrive, Gain and tone volume Increased. This pedal has special toggle switch on the chassy.
You can choose straight mode or Addictive mode. Straight mode provides dynamic volume control. Addictive mode provides “wah tone” Anyway, This pedal provides you Advanced tone!
THE NEXT SOUND「MSS-06RS」はTSをベースに、音域・歪率を広げた汎用性の高いオーバードライブです。TSをディストーションレベルまで引き上げるRSブースターを搭載。ワウトーンを含んだADDICTIVEモードと、ダイナミックに音量をUPするSTRAIGHTモードの切り替えにより、使用シーンが広がります。
THE NEXT SOUND AC127GF Guerrilla Fuzz is fine and high-end fuzz pedal. All connection jacks are front, Guirarrilla fuzz means, you can put this fuzz anywhere you want. there is no location problems on your pedal board.There is no matter guitar or bass, you can use this pedal !
The contents are made up of high quality and carefully selected parts. An AC127 germanium transistor was placed on the main circuit. A small but crazy fuzz pedal. Regardless of guitar or bass, it provides a gutsy sound and keeps your “stage front”.
MSS18 is a distortion that specializes in wide gain and tones. If you are looking for shaped edging distortion sound, this pedal is the best.
Also, If your wife or family don’t like your hobby, This pedal avoid a troubles with them. See the package, This package is the one kind of camouflage works.Looks like Japanese postal service small package!